I’m Interested in Learning More about cyber|awareness or cyber|secure communities

Cyber Security threats are everywhere!

Technical safeguards alone are not enough to protect you against cyber threats.  It only takes one person in your organization clicking on a malicious email or website link to cripple you.

A strong cyber|awareness program with training, phishing simulations, and quick monthly updates is needed to significantly reduce the risk.

Developing cyber|security “common-sense” in your Organization should be a top priority. 

NEOS is committed to spreading cyber|awareness knowledge to every organization, school, business, and civic group.    We want the communities we serve to be cyber|SECURE.

Contact us If you are interested in learning how NEOS can help you with:

  • navigating cyber|security;

  • mitigating cyber|security technical risks;

  • developing a cyber|awareness program; or

  • would like to host a cyber|SECURE community session for a NEOS cyber|awareness ambassador to impart knowledge.

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